Election Day, Don't Forget to Bring Your Baby!

(courtesy of The Baltimore Sun*)
Dad: "That's a long line"
Baby: "I just pooped"

Woah, the polling places are packed! Even with future voters. I went out to my polling place at Commodore Rodgers Elementary at 7:30am and i stood in line for an hour and a half! An HOUR AND A HALF! just to cast my vote. I knew I probably should have showed up earlier, but I like my sleep. We all know it slows down around 10am unil 4pm, and then picks up after that because all of the work force, but apparently the lines are longer than ever this year.

Maybe it's because you want change, or doing your civic duty, you just like chatting it up wih the nice sweet old Election Judges, or you are sick and tired of hearing Yes or No on Question 2 and want to get it over with, people are out there at the polls.

Luckily I got it done early today, because I would not want to be standing in line there now after spending all day at work.

Let's hope for no hanging chads this year!


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