Permit Goof at Fort McHenry

(image credit, the Baltimore Sun)

I was talking with the Park Rangers down at Fort McHenry recently about why there hasn't been any construction on the new Visitors Center yet. Work was supposed to begin by May 1st, but besides the Groundbreaking on April 27th, no other dirt has been moved. Turns out the National Park Service made a goof, and forgot to get a Floodplain Permit. Now in all fairness, this wasn't Fort McHenry's problem. Rather, all Park Service construction is taken care of by a central office in Denver (why there, who knows). Anyways, it looks like the Denver office neglected to request this permit, and apparently also forgot that Fort McHenry is on the water.

This setback pushed construction off until at least August when the paperwork gets finished. Now, instead of the Visitors Center being opened in Fall 2010, it's looking more like Spring 2011. This is why you need cross all of your 'T's and dot all the 'I's before you send it your work!

Thanks to the guys down at the Fort for the update, sorry your new building will be delayed. On a positive note, the weather will be great down there this weekend, so break out the bikes, running shoes, and kites and head on down. Park is open till 8pm throughout the summer.


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