2009 Baltimore Christmas Wish List

(flickr photo, jayunsplanet)

As Christmas is fast approaching, Santa Claus is busily preparing his list of presents and goodies to give out on December 25th. Here at BaltimoreSkyline, I'm putting together my own Baltimore Christmas Wish List for all the gifts we would all like to have this year.

Charm City Circulator - This one we might actually get this Christmas, thanks Santa! The Bus Only lanes are getting painted on Pratt Street with Lombard Street soon to follow. The lanes go into effect on December 28th, and the Orange Route of the CCC starts January 11th (the Green and Purple Route will be in the Spring). http://www.charmcitycirculator.com/

More Forward Movement on the Red Line - 2010 could be the big year for the Red Line. Advanced planning and engineering may start, and funding could be granted. The city has revamped their website, http://www.gobaltimoreredline.com/ already, and the MTA' site http://www.baltimoreredline.com/ will be shortly.

 Charles Street Trolley - Sure there has been a lot of hoopla on this issue, but it's still on my Christmas Wish List. Baltimore needs better, fixed intercity mass transit, and this is a good start. A fixed connection along our North-South Corridor will create better connectivity with current and future transit, businesses, museums, and schools. I say build it!

More Downtown Retail - Bing sang about dreaming of a White Christmas, I'm dreaming about decent shopping downtown. The downtown residential population is growing, and we don't want to truck out to Towson, White Marsh, or Columbia to do all of our shopping, we want places downtown that we can go that aren't Subway, 7-Eleven, or CVS.

Continued Development on Howard Street - A lot of good things have started along Howard (and Eutaw for that matter). Here's to continued success with the Westside Development. Howard St can return to its formar glory with some time, effort, politicians with guts, and $$$.

A Competitive Orioles Team - Dear Santa, please bring Baltimore a competitive team in the American League East this Christmas. There is still time in the Winter Meetings for Angelos to pick up somebody. Please put them on your good list this Christmas.

Bike Lanes - Sharrows are only as good as the temperment of the car drivers. I'm wishing for some dedicated bike lanes in the downtown area in the near future. Maybe Santa will bring copies of bike lane plans that Philadelphia, Washington, and New York have made for the city planners as light reading material.

MTA Charm Card - The trial period was apparently a success for the Metro Subway, so much so that they decided that the MTA needed to do further study for the Light Rail and Bus before rolling the Charm Card out full time. Here's wishing to smart cards in 2010 (only a short 4 years after the TVMs and Fare Gates were put in).

From Baltimore Skyline to you, Happy Holidays and a have Wonderful New Year!


  1. I agree completely! Happy Holidays, and here's hoping!

  2. Great list especially on the transit needs of the city. What about - and I know it sounds crazy- if city and JHU made it safe and convenient to walk from Mount Vernon to JHMI? Then we wouldn't have to sweat it out standing in the shuttle.


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