New Livery on Light Rail

I was driving the other day and I saw a Light Rail train with a peculiar livery on it. Turns out it had the same new paint job as the new hybrid buses. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera on me, and I was driving, so I couldn't stop to get a better look. I was positive I saw this, so I checked what any of us Low and behold someone else saw it too!

Digging deeper I emailed the MTA Maryland and the next day received a response from one of the directors in the Customer Information office. He said that right now it's a test to see how it looks. He continued that all light rail cars will begin their mid-life overhaul this fall and will be repainted at this time. Who knows if this will be the livery they choose, but it would be nice to see them match the new buses. I followed up by asking what will be redone during the overhaul, but was only told "The cars will be completely rebuilt from top to bottom".

As we hit the fall and into next year, I'm guessing we'll see some good upgrades to these cars. Most of these are reaching 20 years of age.


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