New MARC Schedule

There's a new MARC schedule for the Penn Line in town, or at least there will be on March 14th. The changes that the MTA made are in an attempt to ease crowding and give riders more options on their commute. I haven't had the chance to dive into it yet, but I will be soon, and will report back. At first glance though, it doesn't seem that it's improved the ability to commute more easily into Baltimore, since the MARC train is still DC centric in its thinking.

If anyone out there who reads this rides the MARC Penn Line, we'd like to hear what you think about this new schedule.


  1. Here's a link to the new proposed schedule:

  2. I'm a commuter who lives in Baltimore City and works in downtown DC. I pick the train up at BWI in the morning (since it's actually quicker to get to than West Baltimore, and I'm not dropping 150-200 dollars per month for parking near Penn Station just so I can shave 10 minutes off of my drive). I currently take the 407 in the morning (6:37 departing BWI) with the 509 (6:45 departing) if I'm running behind. My only other options are either 30 minutes earlier or 40 minutes later. Coming home, I can either take the 432 (4:40p departing Union Station) or the 534 (5:20p departing). In the morning, I can usually, if not always get a seat. In the evenings, if I'm not there when they announce the train, I usually stand for the ride home.

    This schedule does absolutely nothing for me. Other than leaving four minutes earlier, my train options in the morning are the same, albeit renumbered. In the afternoon, it's the same, the trains have been renumbered, and the schedules slightly altered, but fundamentally the same...

    ...with the VERY notable exception, however, that the crowding will likely be worse, because there are fewer cars. I guess the thought behind this is to try and spread people out and get them to go to Odenton, but if that isn't an option, I hope you're ready to stand!

  3. How about revising the schedule to include weekends? HOW ABOUT THAT!??!?!?

  4. Agreed. Weekend Service would be a huge improvement. MARC, especially the Penn Line, is already more than just a commuter service. Adding weekend trains, would make it truly regional rail.

    Apparently a weekend service schedule was all but printed in 2007, and then the economy tanked.


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